How I Nailed My 5k Run The Easy Way

Preparation and training are very important in making sure you make a good 5k finish. A few considerations would include a good pair of running shoes and comfortable running gear.

A 5-kilometre distance race is not hard to accomplish. It’s about how well you can make it to the finish line without the risk of muscle fatigue during and after the race.

Training three times a week is enough to give you a good 5k finish, without getting you burned out.

Here are 10 tips to nail your 5k run the easy way!
  1. Set your goal.
  2. Have your gear ready (shoes, comfortable running clothes, hydration, etc.).
  3. Have a dynamic training plan, and train properly.
  4. On training days that you feel like being couch potato, think about why you’re working out.
  5. Eat the right kind of food.
  6. Hydration properly.
  7. Remember that rest days are as important as your training days.
  8. Be ready for your race.
  9. Always listen to your body.
  10. Cross the finish line!
The Training Plan

I normally train three to four times a week. To make use of these training days, I created my own dynamic plan to cover speed, race pace and my easy or recovery workouts. This will also give me a good amount of time to recover, especially after a hard workout, speed training or long runs.

DO proper warm-up and dynamic stretching before your workout, and static stretching after your workout. Hydrate. Rest.

My 5k Run Training Program

My 5k Run Training Program

This was my training program, and it worked for me. It helped me gain speed without feeling wasted after crossing the finish line. Since we all have varying fitness levels, this may not totally work on you, but you can tweak it to suit your schedule and your physical capacity. It would also be better to consult your cardiologist first and be cleared before doing any physical activity.

For speed training, run at 50-60% of your current speed, picking up on speed as you progress with each repetition.

Remember that rest days are as important as your training days. So, don’t forget to get ample rest in between training days. If you can’t help it, cross train by swimming or cycling, or do core strengthening workouts at the gym. Just don’t over do it. You’re training the next day.

Good nutrition plays a vital role. Whether you want to lose weight or gain speed, eat the right kind of food. Never ever starve yourself by skipping a meal. Eat small portions but complete meal. This way, you can avoid those “cheat days”, which can sometimes lead to having cheat days for the most part of the week. And that defeats your purpose of why you are working out.

If you’re a bit crunched in time, in four weeks, you can actually do your first 5k run without a hassle. But of course, don’t expect that you can do as much speed. On days that I do my “long runs”, I ran the first half of the distance a bit faster than my usual pace, and ran at race pace during the second half of the distance. This technique will result in a negative split. What I also like about this method is that, I don’t feel tired and I still have the energy to sprint the last 100 metres. During training or during the race, ALWAYS listen to your body.

Note: This was based on my personal training.